Media Kit

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Brand Usage: Community Use of Algorand Trademark and Brand

The Algorand logo and standalone “A” are trademarks of Algorand Technologies, but available for use by the community and users of the open source network. The logo types can be downloaded below and the following guidelines should be followed when using the logos:

  • The Algorand and “A” logo are to be used for community purposes only, including merchandise, but no other for profit business. This includes community engagement such as creative visuals, meetups, merchandise, etc. 
  • The Algorand and “A” logo can be used to note that your company service, or application is leveraging the open source public Algorand blockchain to power its offering. 
  • No person or entity should be misrepresenting the use of the logo in any official Algorand capacity or misleading others to think they are the organization behind the official Algorand blockchain. 
  • Use of the brand does not mean that you own it - Algorand, Inc. maintains the rights to the trademark in all instances. 
  • Use of the logos or name can not be used with other phrases or words (ie, AlgorandInvesting, Algorandstore, etc.). Algorand can not be connected to any other product or service, unless in the context of an application that is leveraging the open source blockchain network. 


Algorand Logo Black

Algorand Logo White

Algorand Logo Mark Black

Algorand Logo Mark White

Executive Resources

Silvio Micali


Silvio Micali is one of the world’s foremost authorities on mathematics, computer science and cryptography. In 2017 he founded the Algorand blockchain, which today is widely acknowledged to be one of the best performing Layer 1 blockchains ever created.

Silvio has helped pioneer many of the breakthrough technologies that help power blockchain today. He is the co-inventor of probabilistic encryption, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Verifiable Random Functions, and many other innovations that are the foundations of modern cryptography. He holds a total of 47 patents in the fields of random number generation, identification schemes, digital signatures, cryptography, digital certificates, and electronic transactions.

Silvio has been awarded the Turing award for computer science, the Godel Prize for theoretical computer science, and the RSA prize for cryptography. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Accademia dei Lincei. A lauded MIT professor, he has been a faculty member of MIT’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department since 1983.

Silvio received his Laurea in Mathematics from La Sapienza University of Rome and his PhD in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley. In 2023 he was awarded an honorary degree in Cybersecurity from La Sapienza University of Rome in recognition of his many contributions to the field of cybersecurity.